Ultimate Guide to Hiring Skilled Salesforce Developers

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Ultimate Guide to Hiring Skilled Salesforce Developers

April 16, 2024 eye-glyph 2581

Table of Contents

    Salesforce, the #1 CRM globally, is leveraged by over 150,000 businesses worldwide, and the demand continues to grow. The reason is that it boosts companies’ revenue by 25% and also results in increasing ROI by 25%, as per TechReport.

    With this increasing demand for Salesforce, the demand for its associated skills also increases. Among these, Salesforce developer is the key necessity role that every business is looking for.

    Therefore, if you’re on a quest to enhance your team with top-tier Salesforce developers, you’ve just stumbled upon the compass that will navigate you through the vast landscape of talent acquisition.

    But have you considered where to find or how to hire Salesforce developers that help your company drive success?

    Don’t worry. We have your back! This blog post will tell you where to find the right talent, what skills to look at when hiring a Salesforce developer, and much more.

    But before starting with this, let’s look at the growing market for Salesforce developers.

    Let’s get started!

    Growing Demand for Salesforce Developers

    There are various factors behind the increasing demand for Salesforce developers! Let’s have a look at them:

    Factors Behind the Growing Demand of Salesforce Developers
    Factors Behind the Growing Demand of Salesforce Developers Dark

    1. Digitalization Post-Pandemic

    The Salesforce ecosystem saw massive growth after the pandemic. This is due to the complete digitalization of most things, including using a cloud-based Salesforce platform. In order to work over the platform, Salesforce developers are required. Hence, this ultimately increased demand for Salesforce developers to be an integral part of a company’s CRM department.

    2. Attractive Compensation

    Due to the attractive compensation that Salesforce developers receive, more people get attracted, which has increased the number of people wanting to enter this field.

    3. Innovation and Skill Upgradation

    Salesforce innovates constantly, and to keep up with the change, its developers have to stay updated on all the latest trends to keep up with the changes. Thus, this has created a massive demand amongst businesses, with the urge to stay ahead of the competition.

    4. Shortage of Skilled Professionals

    There might be a considerable number of people entering this field, but not all are skilled to perform the job. Only those possessing Salesforce certifications can be considered experts and competent.

    Thus, with only a few falling in this category, there is a shortage of skilled Salesforce professionals in development. This ultimately led to a surge in demand for Salesforce developers.

    Role of Salesforce Developers

    Salesforce developers are professionals who build solutions for enterprise business problems using Salesforce technologies. They are proficient with the Salesforce platform and can create tailored solutions per the client’s requirements.

    They first identify the loopholes and challenges in the current system and figure out the best solutions to cater to them. After thoroughly understanding the business goals, developers choose the best low-code solutions from the Salesforce technologies.

    They extend Salesforce orgs beyond declarative (point-and-click) configuration, build apps, and optimize business operations.

    Further, let’s look at the responsibilities of a Salesforce Developer.

    Responsibilities of Salesforce Developer

    A Salesforce developer typically performs multiple tasks in an organization. Their responsibilities are not limited to developing an app but beyond making it scalable to meet future business needs.

    Responsibilities of Salesforce Developers
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    1. Responsible For Designing, Building, and Maintaining Applications: Salesforce developers are accountable for developing and maintaining the applications tailored to business needs within the Salesforce platform.
    2. Understanding Business Requirements: Salesforce developers work closely with clients to better understand their business. As per their needs, they customize solutions for individual clients.
    3. Coding: They develop solutions by coding in various programming languages like Apex, Lightning Components, and VisualForce on the Force.com platform. Further, they also work with web development using languages like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.
    4. Problem-Solving Skills: They possess strong problem-solving skills, with which they can understand complex business problems and processes to identify opportunities for improvement.
    5. Communication: Using their strong communication skills, they collaborate with the technical or non-technical teams by providing on-call support for addressing application issues, whether it involves troubleshooting or improved functionality. Assist users in defining their needs, offering insights into alternative approaches, and explaining the potential impacts of process adjustments.
    6. Quality Assurance: They are responsible for maintaining the quality and performance of the solutions they create. Performing various testing and debugging activities, they ensure that any issue is resolved immediately. Salesforce developers establish, document, and enforce application standards and procedures to uphold consistency and efficiency.
    7. Seamless Integration: Effortlessly integrate various systems with Salesforce, encompassing in-house proprietary and third-party applications.
    8. They ensure that the Force.com platform and integration apps are always available.
    9. Take the lead in developing solutions tailored to customer requirements, utilizing technical design skills, and fostering collaborative relationships within internal teams

    Salesforce Developer Hiring Options:

    Salesforce Developer Hiring Options
    Salesforce Developer Hiring Options Dark

    Choosing the right Salesforce developer is crucial because one person can help you win or lose the client. However, to make an informed decision, it’s essential to grasp the distinct employment arrangement options available:

    Engagement modelDefinitionWhen to hire?
    Full-time developersAs the name implies, these are developers working full-time for your organization. They could be working from in-house or remotely.Hire full-time developers if you already have an in-house Salesforce team and need additional resources for the long term.
    In-house DevelopersDevelopers who work from your office premises. They could be your full-time or part-time employees.Hire in-house developers if you need Salesforce expertise for the long term and want to keep your business information confidential.
    Remote DevelopersDevelopers working remotely for your organization. They could be full-time or part-time employees.If you need Salesforce expertise that may be lacking in your geographical region or simply not affordable.
    Part-time DevelopersAs the name implies, developers who work for your organization on a part-time basis. It could be hourly or project-based employment.Suitable if you need Salesforce expertise for a specified duration of time.
    Project basisDeveloper that you hire for a specified project or task for a predetermined period.If your project’s scope is well-defined, hiring a developer on a project basis is a good idea as you have the predictability of costs.
    Hourly basisDevelopers that are available for hire on an hourly basis. Their billable hours are tracked using solutions like Time Doctor.It is suitable when you have short-term projects or need a specific feature to be developed. Also, it is a good option if your organization faces variable workloads.

    1. Full-Time:

    A full-time Salesforce developer becomes an integral part of your team. They work for your organization regularly, typically for 40 to 48 hours per week.

    Full-time employees dedicatedly work for your organization, understand its culture, and fit into it. With this, they receive the benefits of regular compensation, paid time off, healthcare, and retirement plans. Furthermore, based on the requirement, they work either at the office premises or remotely.

    They are readily accessible to address immediate issues and contribute to ongoing enhancements.

    When To Hire Full-Time Developers?

    Deciding to hire a full-time developer depends entirely on your business requirements and the individual’s contributions. For instance, if you have a coworking space or a physical office equipped with all the necessary resources and services to support full-time employment for any long-term project, then hiring a full-time developer is all you need to do. This allows you to communicate and collaborate with them whenever necessary on the office premises, enabling you to request any essential project changes promptly.

    2. In-House:

    In-house developers are the developers who work for an organization and are an integral part of the team. Like full-time developers, they work dedicatedly on the organization’s projects, but the only difference is that they work in office premises and not remotely. They are given all the benefits that a full-time developer is provided with.

    By hiring an in-house developer, you can ensure better communication and collaboration among the team. Additionally, you have complete control over your team as they are present on the office premises.

    When To Hire An In-House Developer?

    If you have a long-term project requirement and need complete control over the project, then hiring an in-house developer would benefit you in many ways, such as:

    • You can leverage their experience and expertise
    • You can communicate with them anytime during office hours
    • You have complete control over the team and project cycle

    3. Remote Basis:

    Remote developers work from their homes or other locations except the office premises. They can be hired for contractual, remote, full-time, or part-time based on the project requirements or to meet the specific deadlines of the project.

    When To Hire A Remote Developer?

    • When consultants have enough projects with specific deadlines, hiring a remote developer can secure them, hampering internal work and quality.
    • Free up the internal team’s time and resources
    • Saves incurring hiring costs
    • When specialized skills are not available locally
    • More cost efficient

    4. Part-Time:

    Part-time Salesforce developers operate on a limited schedule, typically fewer hours than full-time developers. For instance, if a full-time developer tends to work 8 hours a day, a part-time developer would only work 4 or 5 hours a day.

    It makes them ideal for businesses with fluctuating project workloads or budget constraints. You can harness their skills for targeted tasks while optimizing resource allocation. They save your internal resources and the incurring cost of employee benefits.

    When To Hire A Part-Time Developer?

    • When you need a project-based developer for the short-term
    • When you do not want to deploy employee benefits
    • When you do not wish to reserve the coworking space

    5. Contractual/Project Basis:

    Contractual or project-based developers are hired to work on specific projects or tasks. They are assigned defined deliverables, sometimes along with pre-decided time duration. This approach allows businesses to access expert skills without a long-term commitment. It proves to be an efficient way to scale your team per project demands. They can work full-time or part-time based on your business requirements. Also, they are suitable for addressing short-term needs or completing specific projects.

    Gain more insights on whether to hire a full-time or contractual-based Salesforce developer.

    When To Hire A Contractual Basis Developer?

    • When you have short-term project requirements
    • When you have clear project objectives and timelines
    • When you need additional expertise regarding a project

    Discover insights on how to effectively collaborate with contractual remote Salesforce developers.

    6. Hourly Basis:

    These developers are paid only for the worked hours, making it a cost-effective option for businesses. They can be hired for short-term durations and work flexibly on your projects without entering into a protracted contract.

    When To Hire Hourly Based Developers?

    • When you have tasks or projects with fluctuating workloads
    • When you need to scale up or downscale your team based on demand

    Selecting the most suitable employment arrangement hinges upon your organization’s needs, project prerequisites, and financial considerations. Each option boasts distinct advantages, allowing you to tailor your hiring strategy to align with your precise Salesforce development objectives.

    Cost To Hire Salesforce Developer

    When considering hiring a Salesforce developer, you have various options that we have already seen. With this, you might be curious about the cost of onboarding them. So, let us evaluate the cost of hiring Salesforce developers from various regions.

    Cost to hire salesforce developer
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    Note: We have given a general estimation of the hiring cost; the actual costs might vary. The above information has been curated from various sources like TeamCubate, UpWork, PayScale, UK Talent, SalaryExpert, and SalesforceBen.

    Factors To Consider When Hiring The Right Salesforce Developer For Your Business

    Salesforce developer is the most crucial asset for the company. Hence, the choice being made should align with the business objectives. To make this decision, here are some factors that you must expect from the candidate while making the hiring decision:

    Technical Skill Set, Including:

    Proficient with Salesforce Technology: A Salesforce developer should be thorough with all the technical aspects of Salesforce. This includes having a good command over Apex, a proprietary language developed by Salesforce, and Visualforce, a framework that allows developers to build custom user interfaces that can be hosted over the Salesforce platform. Additionally, they are responsible for creating and customizing applications and solutions.

    Expertise and Certifications: Experience is crucial when hiring a Salesforce developer. If they have worked on projects similar to your interest in the past, they can understand your business needs better and deliver the most efficient results. Consequently, certifications such as Salesforce certified developer or administrator prove that they have met the standards set by Salesforce and possess the necessary skills and knowledge.

    Low Code Automation Tools And Data Modeling: Salesforce offers various low code tools that eliminate the need to write extensive code. These help in automation and data modeling. Thus, a Salesforce developer should be familiar with such tools.

    APIs (Application Programming Interface) And Integration: A Salesforce developer should be able to work with APIs that allow different software systems to communicate with each other and integrate various applications seamlessly.

    Testing and Design Patterns: A Salesforce developer should be able to perform various types of testing that could help locate problems and errors, resolve them, and ensure the solution is optimal for use. Also, developers must be able to utilize design patterns that solve everyday problems encountered during software design.

    Soft skills, including:

    Communication Skills: Good communication skills are essential for a Salesforce developer as they require interacting with technical and non-technical teams. Also, they work closely with clients and interact with them regularly.

    Analytical Skills: Salesforce developers should be able to understand and analyze the business requirements. This involves understanding the business needs and challenges and translating them into technical solutions.

    Learning And Innovation: Salesforce is constantly evolving and shares new features frequently. Thus, a Salesforce developer should be able to keep up with these changes and be willing to learn new things.

    You can read the benefits of hiring the right Salesforce developer for further guidance. Utilizing these resources can aid in finding the right fit for your Salesforce development needs.

    Where To Find Salesforce Developers?

    Following are some of the best sites to hire salesforce developers:

    Where to Find Salesforce Developers
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    1. LinkedIn

    LinkedIn is a professional platform to connect with extraordinary talents, recruiters, and top voices. Millions of members worldwide are leveraging this platform to establish networks, grow, and hire the right skills. That’s why it’s an excellent place to find and connect with Salesforce developers.

    You can create job postings, search for profiles with relevant keywords (e.g., “Salesforce developer”), and join Salesforce-related groups to identify potential candidates to reach out to the right candidate.

    LinkedIn lets you view candidates’ professional backgrounds, endorsements, and recommendations, helping you assess their skills and qualifications. You can also connect with them directly or through InMail.

    2. Job Boards and Online Marketplaces

    You might be familiar with the general job boards like Indeed, Glassdoor, Dice, and Monster, as well as specialized tech job boards, which are valuable resources for finding Salesforce developers. This is because the top talents list their resume over the top recruiting websites that help you reach out to the right candidate.

    It allows you to post detailed job listings with specific Salesforce-related requirements, and candidates can apply directly through these platforms. So it would be easy for the recruiters to view their listings and reach out.

    These Job boards offer an extensive reach, drawing in candidates actively seeking fresh career opportunities. These platforms typically provide robust tools and features that enable you to tune and efficiently handle incoming applications. With these tools, you can pinpoint the most suitable candidates, streamline your hiring process, and effectively manage the entire application pool.

    3. Freelance Websites

    The best freelance sites to hire Salesforce developers include Upwork, Freelancer, and Toptal. These sites connect you with freelance Salesforce developers who can work on specific projects or tasks. You can hire them for your project on a contract basis or hourly basis.

    On the freelance platform, you can post detailed project descriptions, review freelancer proposals, and select the best fit for your needs, requirements, and budget. So the developers can reach out to you by reviewing your requirements. With these sites, you can reach and hire an expert from the global pool of unique talent.

    4. Staffing/Recruiting Agencies

    Staffing agencies are your go-to experts for connecting you with highly skilled Salesforce professionals who can meet your specific needs.

    Simply communicate your hiring requirements to the staffing agency, and they will
    curate a selection of well-suited candidates for your consideration. From this pool of pre-screened candidates, you can confidently conduct interviews and make your hiring choices.

    Staffing agencies provide a valuable time-saving advantage by taking charge of the initial candidate screening process. Moreover, they possess access to a diverse talent pool of Salesforce experts, each with unique certifications and rich experience, ensuring you have a wide range of options for your Salesforce team.

    5. Own Network

    Your professional network, which includes colleagues, friends, and business contacts, can be a goldmine for discovering talented Salesforce developers. These connections offer a valuable resource for finding top-notch candidates. With the help of your referrals, you can reach out to meet your requirements.

    Your network’s power goes beyond finding candidates; it extends to gaining insights into their work ethics and interpersonal skills. This deeper understanding can be instrumental in ensuring a strong cultural alignment between the candidate and your organization, leading to a more successful partnership.

    6. Salesforce Groups and Events

    Are you interested in joining the live webinars or events, or love interacting with new people? That’s what’s best: meeting creative minds by attending events.

    For instance, Salesforce communities, forums, and events such as Dreamforce serve as vibrant hubs where you can actively engage with a dynamic community of Salesforce professionals, fostering valuable connections and insights.

    Dive into these platforms by participating in meaningful discussions, attending local meetups or industry-leading conferences, and proactively networking with potential candidates with a genuine passion for Salesforce and its ecosystem.

    These dynamic and immersive platforms provide a unique opportunity to connect with Salesforce developers deeply committed to their craft and the Salesforce ecosystem. By engaging in these communities, you can identify potential candidates and cultivate meaningful relationships with like-minded professionals, enriching your network and opening doors to collaborative opportunities.

    Salesforce Developer Onboarding Best Practices

    Now that you’ve learned the essentials of identifying the right Salesforce developer let’s explore best practices for a seamless onboarding process. Here’s a quick overview:

    Learn Salesforce via Trailhead: Trailhead serves as an interactive learning platform designed to provide guided pathways for Salesforce developers. It’s an excellent starting point for acquainting new developers with Salesforce fundamentals.

    Utilize the Salesforce chatter application: Salesforce Chatter is an enterprise social network that facilitates employee collaboration and information sharing. It’s a valuable tool for introducing new developers to company culture and processes.

    Provide downloadable tips and user guides: Offer new developers downloadable tips and user guides they can access whenever they need assistance.

    Utilize traditional documentation and videos: Supplement learning with traditional documentation and instructional videos that cover fundamental Salesforce development concepts.

    Encourage colleagues to train with a credit system: Motivate colleagues to assist in training new developers by implementing a credit or rewards system for their contributions.

    Assign an onboarding buddy: Assign an experienced developer as an onboarding buddy to guide new team members through the onboarding journey, providing insights and support.

    Tailor onboarding to specific needs: Leverage the insights gained during the interview process to customize the onboarding experience to meet the unique requirements of each new developer.

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    There you have it! This blog is your roadmap to hiring Salesforce developers that can take your business to new heights. With the insights we’ve shared, you’re well-equipped to navigate the diverse landscape of hiring options, from LinkedIn’s professional network to the expertise of staffing agencies and the power of your connections.

    It’s essential to remember that the success of your B2C endeavors heavily depends on the caliber of talent you bring to your team. Salesforce developers, with their expertise in customer relationship management, have the potential to serve as the primary driving force behind your business growth.

    So, take action today, leverage these strategies, and start building your dream team of Salesforce experts with the right Salesforce partner. By doing so, you’re hiring employees and forging partnerships to drive your business forward, delivering exceptional customer experiences at every step.

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