Emerging Cloud Computing Technologies: Future Trends & Insights

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A Deep Dive into Emerging Cloud Computing Technologies: Future Trends and Insights

May 31, 2024 eye-glyph 5429

Table of Contents

    The cloud computing revolution is upon us. Gartner has already made THE announcement: by 2027, over 70% of businesses will adopt cloud platforms to smooth business operations. With public cloud spending expected to reach $678.8 billion in 2024 alone, it’s clear the cloud is here to stay. The pandemic surely paved the way for companies with traditional infrastructure to adopt cloud computing. This move wasn’t just about survival; it was about transforming how businesses operate and, more importantly, retaining customers.

    The cloud has come a long way, which means all cloud users must stay updated and ready for what is going on currently and what they can expect next. It’s always better to stay in the know than plan when it’s too late. 

    To help you stay ahead, we’ve compiled a comprehensive overview of the most popular emerging technologies of cloud computing, along with key trends and future insights for the next 5-7 years.

    Emerging Cloud Computing Technologies: Future Trends To Look Forward

    Cloud will continue to grow at a dynamic speed with loads of opportunity and innovation. And here is the cloud technologies list which will rock the industries in the coming future:

    1. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

    AI and Machine learning are experiencing many add-ons as their new offspring, like chatbots, business intelligence, AI as a Service (AIaaS), and a lot more. Natural Language Processing models like ChatGPTs, Bing, Gemini, etc., are growing at the fingertips of almost every user.

    By combining the power of AI and machine learning capabilities, businesses can drive unbiased insights by processing raw data, which can lead to increased efficiency, cost savings, well-equipped staff, and growing customer satisfaction.

    AI software integrated with cloud environments like (IaaS, PaaS, & SaaS) delivers intuitive and connected experiences for users. Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant are living examples of how this combination is nailing the world by enabling various operations like searches, calling, texting, music playback and so on.

    Many Public cloud vendors are introducing several AI outsourcing services. These services allow companies to perform software testing and ML algorithms without disrupting the current infrastructure. They provide access to ready-made AI applications at a fraction of the cost, yielding significant CAPEX savings.

    Machine learning models require large datasets to train algorithms, needing powerful CPUs and GPUs for processing. The ideal combination of public, private, or hybrid cloud systems provides the necessary computing power, ensuring security and compliance. Additionally, AI cloud computing supports services such as serverless computing, batch processing, and container orchestration.

    Cognitive computing uses AI models to simulate human thought processes in complex situations. Companies like IBM and Google have developed cognitive cloud platforms that offer cognitive insights as a service, benefiting industries such as finance, retail, and healthcare.

    2. Data Security

    As businesses shift to cloud computing technologies, security breaches are also increasing. Cloud service providers are tightening their cloud environment security with advanced security protocols, shielding wire falls, building dedicated cybersecurity teams, and a 24/7/365 monitoring system to protect business and customers’ information.

    In addition, regulatory compliance has become a critical factor in shaping security practices. Cloud users are not only implementing rigorous data security measures but also ensuring that cloud providers are meeting strict security standards like HIPAA, GDPR, PCI-DSS, and other national or international regulations to manage and protect personal and corporate data effectively.

    As we move into more innovation, encryption, authentication, and disaster recovery will become even more important in cloud computing. With the rise of data thefts and breaches, hackers are using new AI-powered attacks, and no matter which systems you are accessing, they are always vulnerable to social engineering attacks. Therefore, security and resilience are top priorities for cloud providers and their customers.

    3. Low Code & No Code Development

    Low-code and no-code platforms are driving organizations to prioritize excellent user experience, especially in web application development, to generate new revenue sources. These platforms deal with issues like slow performance and high maintenance costs linked with traditional web portals.

    Studies show that 82% of organizations now trust low code/no code development to save time and resources, with executive belief rising from 10% to 26% since 2020. By 2024, 50% of enterprises will use low code/no code for core business software, projecting $65 billion in revenue by 2027.

    In IoT systems, 40% of automation relies on low code for handling complex, data-intensive applications. Low-code platforms facilitate AI development, which is expected to reach a market size of $187 billion by 2030. They are crucial for automating business processes, with 26% of executives naming them a top investment. By 2024, low-code development will underpin 66% of application projects, streamlining workflows and integrating with existing APIs.

    4. Edge Computing

    Edge computing involves storing, processing, and analyzing data close to its source, such as sensors and devices. This approach reduces latency, improves efficiency, and enhances privacy, security, and data transmission rates.

    By 2025, Gartner predicts that over 75% of enterprise-managed data will be created and processed outside traditional data centres and clouds. For example, a wearable heart monitor detecting arrhythmias can analyze data locally, saving bandwidth and providing quicker alerts by avoiding unnecessary data transmission to the cloud.

    The partnership of 5G’s high speed and low latency is upgrading edge computing and bringing real-time projects like remote surgeries and self-driving cars into action. Strategic placement of edge data centres will not only boost performance but also reduce latency and load from core cloud infrastructure.

    Containerization technologies like Docker are popular for edge deployments due to their portability, isolation, and resource efficiency. Kubernetes adaptations, such as MicroK8s, facilitate scalable management of containerized workloads, ensuring efficient resource use and simplified application lifecycle management.

    Edge computing necessitates robust security measures, including secure booting, hardware-based encryption, and robust authentication protocols. Privacy-sensitive approaches like federated learning and homomorphic encryption enable data analysis while protecting personal information. New governance frameworks and regulations are needed to address data security and privacy at the edge.

    5. IoT (Internet of Things)

    IoT’s charm is increasing with each passing day. It uses multiple sensors to generate huge amounts of data, which is stored on cloud data servers. IoT uses sensors and actuators to collect and analyze data, helping in business decisions. It connects computers, networks, and servers, enabling remote data collection and device communication.

    Here is what’s ahead in the IoT:

    • Blockchain: The adoption of Blockchain in IoT ensures data is safe and sound while interacting between networks. The global blockchain IoT market is expected to grow by $2,409 million by 2026 where applications built in this will outshine industries like banking, agriculture, and transportation. As a distributed ledger, blockchain fits well with IoT applications.

    • IoT Powered with 5G Technology: By 2026, nearly five billion 5G subscriptions are predicted. 5G technology will bring out the full potential of IoT with lower latency, real-time data processing, and broader coverage. This makes 5G competent enough to boost IoT device performance and provide tailored services simultaneously.

    • IoT-Empowered AI Applications: By 2025, there will be about 64 billion IoT devices. AI and IoT are projected to join hands to create intelligent machines that automate processes and can make decisions without a human. This combination will be cost-effective, increase productivity, and enable predictive maintenance.

    • Voice-Activated IoT Devices: AI-powered assistants like Google Assistant, Amazon Echo, and Siri are becoming users’ favourites regarding voice-based interfaces. 27% of the global online population uses voice search on mobile devices. Voice interactions will spread across industries, and voice biometry will emerge as a reliable method for digital voice profiling.

    6. Kubernetes and Docker

    Kubernetes and Docker are open-source platforms emerging as dynamic cloud computing technologies. They are capable of managing services and workloads from one place and running applications from a unified source. A study from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) shows that 92% of users use container orchestration tools in production, with Kubernetes being the dominant choice.

    Both Docker and Kubernetes hold the power to change the way developers are currently dealing with cloud deployments. This is something that will be new in Kubernetes and Docker in the coming years:

    • Cloud-Native Infrastructure Expansion: Businesses will experience a significant change in cloud-native infrastructure, which will include adopting cloud computing technologies offering flexibility, scalability, and resilience. What’s interesting is that Kubernetes Central will orchestrate containerized applications. This approach allows scalable applications in dynamic environments like public, private, and hybrid clouds.

    • Platform Engineering and Developer Experience in Kubernetes: Another focus will be on platform engineering and enhancing developer’s experience within the Kubernetes ecosystem, which can simplify deployment, management and scaling. This breaks down the complexity of Kubernetes and gives developers accessible interfaces and tools so they can solely work on the coding part. Technology startups, SaaS providers, and e-commerce sectors will initially bag the opportunity to adopt platform engineering to boost productivity and speed up development cycles.

    • WebAssembly (WASM) Adoption in Kubernetes: WebAssembly (WASM) within Kubernetes is a whole other world-changing definition of application development and deployment. It offers a portable binary format for near-native speed execution, enabling high-performing, lightweight, and secure microservices. WASM adoption will likely take place most in the gaming, technology, and financial services industries, considering its security benefits.

    7. Serverless Computing Or Serveless Architecture

    We have another pro player taking the center stage in the future of cloud computing i.e. Serverless computing. Imagine a model where you can completely rely on cloud service provider to dynamically manage everything from the allocation of machine resources to manage the underlying infrastructure.

    Serverless frees developers from server and capacity management and just simply do what they do best – write code (that’s error-free). This way businesses can fastly develop and deploy applications while incurring the expenses of resources consumed.

    Interestingly, the global serverless computing market reached $9.3 billion and is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 20.8% from 2024 to 2028. Several industries will be spotted to adopt serverless platforms like Google Cloud, Azure, and AWS Lambda functions. Here are the possible cloud computing trends approaching:

    • Focus on Developer Experience: Cloud providers will improve their serverless offerings with features that makes development, deployment, and debugging all easy and making serverless computing more accessible to developers at all levels.

    • Serverless Workflows and Event-Driven Architectures: Serverless won’t just provide the bare minimum. You will also get workflows that orchestrate multiple serverless functions in sequence which enable the creation of more complex applications without infrastructure management.

    • Integration with Other Cloud Services: Serverless will integrate more seamlessly and securely with other cloud services such as databases, storage, and machine learning. This will provide developers an extra edge in building sophisticated applications entirely within the serverless paradigm.

    8. DevSecOps

    Cloud computing might have a lots of positive but users keep encountering security challenges like compromised networks, virtualization issues, Denial of Service (DoS) attacks and so on. DevSecOps is a combination of development (Dev), security (Sec), and operations (Ops) creating a unified workflow. It emphasizes on embedding security in the early stage of the development process, leading to more secure outcomes and agile responses to security incidents.

    Here’s how DevSecOps liquidates these security breakouts:

    • Embedding Security in CI/CD Pipelines: By integrating security into CI/CD pipelines, users can ensure continuous checks during development to avoid the presence of any deployment vulnerabilities. This approach tightens the security of software development and minimizes the production risks.

    • Strengthening Collaboration Between Security and Development: What will help the most in this situation is a strong collaboration between development and security teams which can lead to building of a culture where security is a shared responsibility. This optimize the overall security posture by eliminating the risk of breaches.

    • Embracing Cloud-Native Security Tools: Businesses are attracted to cloud-native security tools to maximize control and visibility of their cloud environments. Cloud-native security tools secure assets in the cloud itself and reduce any potential security threats that can arise in cloud-based operations.

    • Adoption of Security-as-Code (SaC) Tools:

    SaC tools empower developers to design security requirements in code. This helps in enabling automatic enforcement throughout development and emphasizes a proactive and code-driven approach to security integration in the development lifecycle.

    9. Disaster Recovery

    Disaster Recovery (DR) is an approach that organizations employ to restore services and servers in a cloud environment. Cloud disaster recovery enables fast recovery from disasters by providing remote system access in a secure environment. DR ensures uninterrupted access to data during power outages or natural disasters, unlike traditional methods which are time-consuming and costly.

    • Rise of Cloud-based DR and Backup Solutions: Cloud-based DR solutions often work on a pay-as-you-go model, which cuts down the upfront infrastructure costs and scales storage capacity as per requirements, making them attractive for businesses of all sizes. They also have fast recovery times in situations of failover and disasters. Businesses can leverage geographically distributed cloud storage for added redundancy and resilience.

    Automation and AI-powered DR Orchestration: Automating DR processes like failover and recovery minimizes human intervention, leading to faster recovery times and less disruption. AI also adds value by analyzing data, predicting possible disruptions, and building proactive disaster management. Advanced analytics can help predict potential failures and trigger preventive measures.

    Transform Business with Latest Cloud Computing Technologies transform business with latest cloud computing technologies dark

    The Final Take

    The cloud computing world is constantly changing, with new advancements appearing all the time. This can be difficult to keep up with, but cloud computing offers businesses many advantages, such as improved security, scalability, and cost-efficiency. Cyntexa can be your trusted advisor in this ever-changing environment. With our cloud consulting services, you can stay up-to-date on the latest trends and translate that knowledge into actionable strategies to help you achieve your goals.

    We offer a variety of services to help you navigate the cloud, including cloud strategy development, migration and implementation, optimization and cost management, and managed cloud services.

    Don’t get left behind – let our experts guide you to a future-proof cloud strategy and a competitive edge.

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