Hyper-Personalization in Salesforce - Moving Beyond Personalization

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Hyper Personalization in Salesforce: Moving Beyond Personalization

June 30, 2023 eye-glyph 8568

Table of Contents

    How well do you truly know your customers? Do you have a fair understanding of their preferences, needs, and capabilities to engage them in a way that feels uniquely tailored to their preferences? In today’s competitive landscape, hyper personalization becomes a key distinguisher for organizations seeing to build strong relationships with their customers. But what is hyper-personalization and why does it matter for businesses?

    Let’s imagine a scenario, where you have the power to communicate with your customers in a way that feels like a personalized one-to-one interaction, where their needs are not only met but exceeded.

    Hyper-personalization definition goes beyond simply using the customer’s name, and address and recommending products based on their past purchase history. It refers to understanding your customers at the ground level and harnessing the potential of data and insights to deliver an experience that is deeply felt by each customer.

    This is just a brief overview of what hyper-personalization is. Do you desire to learn about hyper-personalization on a more detailed level and how it can help you soar ahead of the competitors? Here we will present you with an in-depth meaning of hyper-personalization, how it measures up against personalization, and so on.

    Ready to learn more? Let’s get started.

    What is Hyper Personalization?

    Hyper personalization is an extended and more individualized version of personalization. It is a customer-centric approach to providing highly relevant and tailored experiences for individual customers.

    Put simply, hyper-personalization is the practice of treating each customer as a distinct individual and offering a personalized experience that feels the brand truly understands them.

    Let’s clearly understand what hyper personalization is with an example.

    Imagine an online cloth retailer in the USA that adopts the power of hyper-personalization to build the next-gen online shopping experience for its customers. Instead of greeting every customer with the same generic homepage content, the brand relied on customer data and insights to create a dynamic website homepage that speaks about the individual customer profiles.

    Upon visiting the website, a returning customer named Sarah is greeted with personalized recommendations that reflect her past purchases, browsing history, and style preferences. The homepage features the latest arrivals in her favorite categories, highlights items that complement her previous purchases, and even offers exclusive promotions on her preferred brands.

    As Sarah navigates through the product pages, the website continues to provide personalized suggestions based on her preferences, size, and color choices. It also showcases real-time availability updates, ensuring that the items she selects are in stock and ready for purchase.

    Furthermore, the brand leverages hyper-personalization to enhance the overall customer journey. After Sarah completes her purchase, she receives a follow-up email that includes personalized recommendations for complementary products, styling tips based on her selected items, and an exclusive discount for her next purchase. The brand continues to engage Sarah with personalized content and offers across various channels, making her feel valued and appreciated as an individual customer.

    This example is the perfect illustration of what hyper personalization is and how hyper personalization helps businesses to build highly tailored experiences for each customer.

    Hyper-Personalization vs Personalization

    How does hyper personalization differ from personalization? Let’s have a detailed conversation to help you draw a clear line of difference between them:

    difference between Hyper-Personalization and Personalization
    difference between Hyper-Personalization and Personalization dark

    1. Customer Segmentation

    Customer segmentation is a commonly used term in the world of marketing. It refers to practices of grouping customers based on their shared characteristics.

    Personalization typically relies on the standard customer segmentation process where customers are grouped based on characteristics like age, location, or purchase history. This approach enables targeting multiple customers with relevant messages to the broader audience.

    Personalization focuses on tailoring experiences within predefined segments. Hyper-personalization takes individualization to the next level, treating each customer as a distinct entity and customizing interactions based on their specific preferences, behaviors, and needs.

    Personalization aims to deliver relevant experiences to customer segments based on common attributes. Hyper-personalization strives for a higher level of precision and relevance by tailoring interactions and recommendations at an individual level, increasing the likelihood of resonating with customers on a more personal and meaningful level.

    2. Data and Insights

    Personalization in Salesforce is applied based on the customer data collected by Salesforce CRM like purchase history, browsing information, demographics, and so on. For example, a streaming service provider may make use of a viewer’s history to suggest similar content they may be inspired to explore.

    Hyper personalization doesn’t solely rely on past customer data. It takes the help of data such as social media activity, and real-time behavior to gain deeper insights into customers. For example, a music streaming service may analyze the social media activity of the user. If users share posts about their favorite artists, the streaming application can create personalized playlists to ensure a tailored experience for users.

    3. Real-Time Adaptability

    Personalization is the result of the customer’s actions or predefined triggers. For example, a travel website may send automated emails containing personalized offers when a user searches for a flight.

    Hyper personalization on the other hand aims to foresee customer needs and deliver a tailored experience ahead of time. For example, a food delivery may use the real-time data of the customers like location, date & time, previous orders offer personalized recommendations of nearest restaurants or time-sensitive promotions.

    4. Level of Customization

    Personalization often focuses on ground-level customizations such as the customer’s name in communication, and recommendations of relevant products based on existing customer data.

    Hyper personalization takes customization to the next level to meet individual preferences and behavior to offer a highly tailored and unique experience. For example, a financial advisor may use the client’s financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment history to create a tailored investment strategy to meet their financial goals.

    5. Complexity and Scalability

    Personalization in Salesforce is easy to implement and scalable to meet evolving needs. For example, a music streaming provider may personalize the playlist based on genre preferences and mood.

    Hyper personalization with Salesforce, however, requires more advanced data management, analytics capabilities, and automation to handle the complexity of individual-level customization at scale. For example, a personalized healthcare app may utilize machine learning algorithms to analyze individual health data, lifestyle factors, and genetic information to provide personalized health recommendations.

    Advanced Techniques Used in Hyper-Personalization for Tailored Experiences

    Hyper personalization makes use of several technologies to work intelligently to create a tailored experience. Here we have given you an overview of the techniques used in hyper-personalization:

    Advanced Techniques Used in Hyper-Personalization
    Advanced Techniques Used in Hyper-Personalization dark

    1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    Artificial intelligence (AI) plays an indestructible role in creating a hyper-personalized experience for customers. AI enables businesses to analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and make intelligent predictions to deliver highly personalized experiences.

    For example, a streaming service like Netflix utilizes AI algorithms to analyze user preferences, viewing history, and interactions. Based on this data, AI algorithms recommend personalized movie or TV show suggestions tailored to each individual’s taste. This level of hyper-personalization enhances the user experience by ensuring relevant content recommendations and increasing engagement and satisfaction. AI empowers businesses to understand and anticipate customer needs, providing highly tailored experiences at scale.

    2. Machine Learning (ML)

    Machine learning plays a crucial role in hyper-personalization by enabling systems to learn from data and make intelligent predictions without being explicitly programmed. It allows businesses to analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and deliver personalized experiences.

    Let’s take an example of an eCommerce platform. Machine learning can enable the eCommerce platform to understand the customer’s data like browsing history, purchase history, age, demographics information, and so on. This data will make it easy for the platform to predict customer preferences and make suggestions for relevant products and promotions to boost engagement. By continuously learning from user interactions, machine learning algorithms refine and improve recommendations over time, resulting in a more personalized and tailored shopping experience for each customer.

    3. Customer Relationship Management


    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems play a vital role in creating hyper-personalized experiences by enabling businesses to gather, organize, and leverage customer data effectively. Here’s an example that highlights the importance of CRM, specifically Salesforce, in driving hyper-personalization:

    Salesforce CRM serves as a centralized hub for customer information, allowing businesses to capture and store data across multiple touchpoints. This includes customer demographics, purchase history, interactions, preferences, and more. By consolidating this data in Salesforce, businesses gain a comprehensive view of each customer’s journey and can leverage it to deliver hyper-personalized experiences.

    For instance, imagine a retail company using Salesforce CRM to manage customer relationships. With the wealth of data stored in Salesforce, the company can analyze purchase history, browsing behavior, and social media interactions. Leveraging Salesforce’s robust analytics capabilities, the company can identify patterns and preferences specific to each customer.

    Using this insight, the retail company can deliver hyper-personalized experiences in various ways. For example, when a customer visits their online store, Salesforce can dynamically showcase personalized product recommendations based on their previous purchases and browsing behavior. Additionally, Salesforce can trigger automated email campaigns that offer tailored promotions or discounts on items the customer has shown interest in.

    4. Big Data Analytics

    Do you know, around 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are generated daily? The analysis of this data is a big challenge for organizations. Big data with its powerful analytics capabilities help to extract valuable insights from the large volumes of the data.

    For example, let’s say a music streaming platform collects a variety of data about their users like music genre, and listening history, and even predicts their music preferences. In this example, big data enables the streaming music service provider to learn about the preferences and create relevant recommendations for them.

    5. Content Management System

    CMS or Content Management System is an essential component of implementing hyper-personalized experience. It enables the organization to create, organize and publish a variety of content such as articles, images, videos, and so on while implementing personalized rules and algorithms.

    But why does a content management system matter in hyper-personalization experience? Let’s take the help of an example. Imagine you’re running an eCommerce website in Canada that offers a range of products to customers. With CMS, you can create different versions of products or landing pages catering to the need of specific customer segmentation or individual users. For instance, you can display personalized home page content according to users browsing or purchase history.

    Moreover, a CMS enables businesses to engage users through personalized messaging and notifications. By integrating with customer data and behavioral insights, a CMS can deliver targeted messages, such as personalized discount offers or notifications about new products related to a user’s interests. These personalized interactions foster a sense of individual attention and relevance, improving user engagement and conversion rates.

    6. Internet of Things (IoT)

    Internet-of-Things (IoT) is one of the most innovative technologies that enable physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other items to communicate and exchange data.

    Why is IoT important in hyper-personalization? Let’s consider an example of a smart retail environment that relies on the IoT devices such as beacons, RFID tags, and so on. These devices collect information about customer movement, product interaction, and purchase behavior within the physical store. Connecting this IoT device’s data with Salesforce CRM can bring the next-gen of hyper-personalized experiences for customers. For instance, when a returning customer visits the store, the IoT-enabled beacons can detect their presence and trigger personalized offers to them on their mobile devices to enhance their likelihood of making a purchase.

    How Hyper-Personalization Is Transforming Industries and Growing Businesses?

    Hyper personalization is transforming industries and growing businesses by improving customer engagement and conversion rates. Here we have discussed the benefits of hyper-personalization industry-wise.

    1. Retail

    The retail industry is one of the most important beneficiaries of hyper-personalization. It is serving as the base for more effective customer engagement.

    Alongside enhancing customer experience and satisfaction, hyper personalization goes a long way to completely transform the retail industry.

    Let’s take the help of the world’s largest online retailer Amazon to find out the best potential of hyper personalization for retailers.

    One of the most popular examples of hyper-personalization on Amazon is the “Customers who bought this also bought”. Whenever a customer is about to complete a purchase, depending on the customer’s browsing history and real-time information, Amazon suggests the products that are best positioned to complement the purchase of a product. Amazon keeps these recommendations updated to match individual needs, preferences, and so on.

    This is just one example of how the world’s leading online retailer is relying on hyper-personalized experiences to engage with their customers. Hyper personalization could also be used for the following purposes in the retail industry:

    a. Dynamic Homepage

    The homepage of the retailer keeps changing itself to showcase the best match of the products to customers to boost engagement and make it easy for them to make a purchase. For example, if a customer searches for shoes recently on the website, the home page will be displaying the recommendation of shoes that match the customer’s specifications like size, color, and brand.

    b. Personalization in Marketing Email

    Hyper personalization marketing goes beyond merely including the name and relevant product suggestions. For instance; when you complete the purchase of a smartphone from Amazon, you may be greeted with a personalized email to thank you for purchasing the recommendation of related products like headphones, screen protectors, and so on. These relevant emails inspire the purchasers to make purchases for multiple products.

    2. Banking

    The number of banking institutions is growing rapidly worldwide. According to IBIS World: “there are more than 4,659 commercial banking institutions in the USA as of 2023”. With rising numbers, the banking industry has become highly competitive, so to stand out, institutions should do more than just provide banking services. Hyper personalization is the best way to help them do so.

    Here we have outlined the different ways in which banking institutions can embrace the hyper-personalization to soar above the competition:

    How Hyper-Personalization Can Embrace The Banking Industry
    How Hyper-Personalization Can Embrace The Banking Industry dark

    a. Hyper-Personalized Product Recommendations:

    Banks leverage customer data to deliver hyper-personalized product recommendations. For example, frequent travelers receive highly tailored credit card suggestions with travel benefits, foreign transaction fee waivers, and exclusive rewards aligned with their specific travel preferences.

    b. Hyper-Personalized Loan and Mortgage Offers:

    Banks provide customized loan and mortgage offers through hyper-personalization. Prospective homebuyer receives personalized mortgage options with tailored interest rates, repayment terms, and down payment requirements based on their unique financial situation and preferences.

    c. Hyper-Personalized Financial Planning and Investment Advice

    Banks offer hyper-personalized investment advice and financial planning services. Investor seeking to diversify their portfolio receives individualized recommendations, asset allocation strategies, and investment opportunities aligned with their risk tolerance, investment goals, and market trends.

    d. Contextualized Fraud Detection and Security

    Banks employ hyper-personalization to detect and prevent fraud effectively. By analyzing customer behavior patterns, transaction history, and geolocation data, suspicious activities can be detected in real-time, ensuring enhanced security and fraud prevention measures tailored to each customer.

    These were examples of two industries and how they can stand high from the competition with a hyper-personalized experience. Apart from these two, industries like healthcare, media & entertainment, transportation, insurance, and so on can benefit from the hyper-personalized experience.

    Why is Salesforce CRM the Ideal Platform for Developing Hyper-Personalized Experiences?

    Hyper personalization is the need of the hour for any organization looking to upscale its relationship with its customers.

    Salesforce being the world’s #1 cloud-based customer relationship management platform is an ideal choice for the organization to build hyper-personalized experiences for their customers.

    Here we will talk about the key features and capabilities of Salesforce CRM that support the hyper-personalization experience:

    1. Seamless Integrations With Various Data Sources and Systems for Holistic Customer Insights

    Salesforce believes in giving its customers the freedom to integrate CRM with their desired system to create a single source of truth for customer information. The consolidated view of customer data from multiple sources makes it easy for businesses to gather valuable insights from it.

    For example; imagine a retail business that uses Salesforce. The business wants to create a single view of customer data from sources like e-commerce websites, point-of-sale (POS) systems, and social media platforms. They can integrate the Salesforce CRM with these systems, so when a customer performs a purchase online, their transaction details, preferences, and browsing behavior are collected in real-time and synchronized with Salesforce.

    Furthermore, in May 2018, Salesforce acquired Mulesoft, the #1 integration platform to expand its capabilities to be integrated with different data sources and systems.

    With seamless integration capabilities, Salesforce empowers businesses to create highly personalized interactions and drive customer satisfaction and loyalty.

    2. Salesforce Personalization Tools and Solutions

    I. Salesforce Sales Cloud

    Salesforce Sales Cloud is a powerful solution that empowers businesses to create hyper-personalized experiences for their customers. By leveraging Sales Cloud, businesses can harness a range of tools and capabilities to understand, engage, and delight customers at every stage of the sales process.

    Sales Cloud serves as the central hub for businesses to gather, consolidate, and leverage customer data from multiple sources. By integrating data from demographics, purchase history, communication preferences, and interactions, businesses can develop a comprehensive view of each customer. This unified customer view forms the foundation for delivering personalized experiences.

    → Click here to download our free guide to Salesforce Sales Cloud [Download Now].

    Sales Cloud’s advanced automation capabilities streamline repetitive tasks and enable sales teams to focus on building meaningful connections with customers. By automating manual processes, such as lead routing, follow-ups, and task reminders, sales representatives can dedicate more time to engaging with customers and providing personalized attention.

    An example that demonstrates the impact of Sales Cloud in creating hyper-personalized experiences is a retail company. By leveraging Sales Cloud, the company integrates customer data from its e-commerce platform, loyalty program, and customer service interactions. Sales representatives have a holistic view of each customer’s journey, enabling them to provide personalized recommendations and targeted offers. For instance, a customer who frequently purchases fitness apparel might receive personalized promotions related to their specific interests, such as workout accessories or nutrition supplements. This level of hyper-personalization not only drives customer satisfaction but also increases sales and customer loyalty.

    II. Salesforce Marketing Cloud

    Salesforce Marketing Cloud is yet another powerful tool to help businesses create hyper-personalization in marketing.

    With the help of Marketing Cloud’s segmentation and targeting capabilities, businesses can create precise customer segments based on specific attributes, behaviors, and preferences. By analyzing customer data, businesses can identify unique customer segments and craft personalized messaging that resonates with each segment.

    An example that highlights the power of Salesforce Marketing Cloud in creating hyper-personalized experiences is a clothing retailer. By integrating customer data from their e-commerce website, mobile app, and social media interactions, the retailer gains a unified view of each customer. Leveraging Marketing Cloud’s capabilities, they can segment customers based on factors like browsing behavior, purchase history, and style preferences.

    Using this segmentation, the retailer can then create personalized email campaigns featuring product recommendations tailored to each customer’s style and preferences. For example, a customer who frequently purchases workout gear may receive emails showcasing the latest activewear collections or exclusive discounts on fitness accessories. This personalized approach enhances customer engagement, boosts conversion rates, and fosters brand loyalty.

    → Click here to download our free guide to Salesforce Marketing Cloud Implementation [Download Now].

    III. Salesforce Service Cloud

    Salesforce Service Cloud is yet another tool that plays a pivotal role in helping businesses create hyper-personalized experiences for their customers through exceptional customer service. With Service Cloud businesses can integrate data from multiple channels, such as phone calls, email, social media, and chat, businesses gain a comprehensive view of each customer’s history and preferences. This enables service representatives to provide personalized and tailored support to meet individual customer needs.

    Service Cloud also offers a robust knowledge base that enables businesses to create and curate personalized content and self-service resources. By tailoring knowledge articles and FAQs to specific customer segments or personas, businesses can empower customers to find relevant information and solutions on their own. This not only improves customer satisfaction but also reduces support costs and enhances overall efficiency.

    For example, a healthcare provider using Service Cloud can offer hyper-personalized experiences by integrating data from patient interactions, medical history, and preferences. Service representatives can access a comprehensive view of each patient, allowing them to provide personalized care recommendations and proactive wellness reminders. This level of personalization enhances the patient experience, strengthens patient-provider relationships, and ultimately improves health outcomes.

    → Click here to download our free guide to Salesforce service Cloud [Download Now].

    IV. Salesforce Commerce Cloud

    Salesforce Commerce Cloud empowers businesses to create hyper-personalized experiences for their customers by delivering seamless and tailored shopping journeys across multiple channels. With its robust features and capabilities, Commerce Cloud enables businesses to understand customer preferences, and personalized product recommendations, and optimize the overall shopping experience.

    For example, a fashion retailer using Salesforce Commerce Cloud can leverage customer data to provide hyper-personalized product recommendations. By analyzing customer browsing behavior, purchase history, and style preferences, the retailer can showcase personalized product suggestions, outfit combinations, and exclusive offers. This tailored approach enhances customer engagement, drives conversions, and fosters brand loyalty.

    → Click here to download our free guide to Salesforce Commerce Cloud Implementation [Download Now].

    V. Salesforce Einstein AI

    Salesforce Einstein AI is a powerful tool that enhances hyper-personalized experiences by leveraging advanced artificial intelligence capabilities. With Einstein AI, businesses can analyze vast amounts of customer data, gain valuable insights, and deliver personalized recommendations, all in real-time

    For example, a financial institution using Salesforce Einstein AI can provide hyper-personalized financial advice to its customers. By analyzing customers’ financial transactions, investment history, and risk tolerance, Einstein AI can generate personalized investment recommendations tailored to each customer’s unique financial goals and preferences. This level of personalization strengthens customer relationships, boosts satisfaction, and drives better financial outcomes.

    3. Extending Salesforce Functionality With AppExchange Solutions

    Extending Salesforce functionality with AppExchange solutions allows businesses to enhance their Salesforce ecosystem and unlock additional capabilities tailored to their unique needs. AppExchange is a marketplace that offers a vast selection of pre-built apps, integrations, and industry-specific solutions that seamlessly integrate with Salesforce.

    For example, a sales team can extend Salesforce functionality by integrating a sales enablement app from AppExchange. This app provides advanced features like content management, sales analytics, and guided selling tools, enabling sales representatives to access relevant content, track performance, and close deals more efficiently. By leveraging these AppExchange solutions, businesses can customize and expand Salesforce to align with their specific requirements and drive productivity.

    4. Salesforce Has Segmentation Techniques for Targeted Hyper-Personalization

    Segmentation techniques are invaluable for supporting hyper-personalization in Salesforce. Let’s explore some key techniques and their benefits:

    Demographic segmentation involves dividing customers based on characteristics like age, gender, location, and income. For instance, an e-commerce retailer might target female customers aged 25-34 in urban areas with personalized fashion recommendations tailored to their preferences.

    Behavioral segmentation focuses on analyzing customer actions, such as browsing history and purchase behavior. A streaming service could segment users based on their preferred genres and viewing habits, delivering personalized content recommendations and curated playlists.

    Psychographic segmentation delves into customers’ attitudes, values, and lifestyle choices. For example, a fitness brand may target health-conscious individuals who value sustainability and offer them personalized workout plans, eco-friendly product recommendations, and motivational content.

    Implementing segmentation in Salesforce using custom fields and tags enables businesses to categorize customers based on specific attributes or behaviors. A software company may use tags to identify trial users who have engaged with specific features, allowing them to send personalized onboarding emails with relevant tutorials and tips.

    By leveraging these segmentation techniques in Salesforce, businesses can deliver tailored experiences that resonate with their customer’s unique needs and preferences. This personalized approach enhances customer satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty, ultimately driving business growth.

    level up personalization with hyper-personalization
    level up personalization with hyper-personalization

    Final Take

    Hyper personalization stands out as the key to success for an organization that wants to outclass in today’s competitive environment. With the power of the world’s #1 CRM platform, businesses can build the next-gen personalized experience for their customers that leave an indelible impression.

    Cyntexa is a Salesforce Crest (Gold) Consulting Partner that can help leverage the full potential of Salesforce CRM to develop hyper-personalized experiences that drive customer engagement and loyalty. From implementing and integrating Salesforce CRM to developing custom solutions and leveraging AI-powered personalization, Cyntexa can guide businesses throughout their hyper-personalization journey.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Starbucks embraces the power of hyper personalization with their mobile application. The AI enables Starbucks to leverage the real-time data of their customers along with their past preferences and history to create tailor-made experiences for each customer.

    The biggest difference between personalization and hyper personalization lies in their utilization of the data. For example, personalization relies on past customer data to create a relevant experience for them. Hyper personalization, on the other hand, relies on real-time data to create personalized experiences.

    digital experiences