Salesforce Lightning vs Classic - Detailed Comparison

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Salesforce Lightning vs Classic: Understanding the Difference

August 2, 2023 eye-glyph 4125

Table of Contents

    Are you awestruck with which Salesforce interface is best suited for your organization? Salesforce Lightning and Salesforce Classic offer distinct user experiences, and understanding their differences is crucial for optimizing productivity and user adoption. In this blog, we will compare Salesforce Lightning vs Classic, providing you with valuable insights to make an informed decision.

    Salesforce provides two primary user interfaces: Salesforce Lightning and Salesforce Classic. Salesforce Classic has been the trusted choice for businesses over the years, offering a comprehensive feature set. In contrast, Salesforce Lightning presents a modern approach, featuring a visually pleasing interface and improved performance.

    Interested to find out more? Let’s begin.

    What is Salesforce Classic?

    Introduced in 1999, Salesforce Classic is the original interface of the Salesforce CRM. It was the primary interface used by Salesforce users before the introduction of the Lightning Experience, which is the newer and more modern interface.

    Salesforce Classic provides a comprehensive set of features and tools for managing customer relationships, sales processes, and business operations. It offers various functionalities such as contact management, lead tracking, opportunity management, case management, and reporting.

    As time passes customer expectations and high-resolution monitors put Salesforce Classic under stress to meet the requirements.

    What is Salesforce Lightning?

    Introduced in 2014 as a beta version, Salesforce Lightning is a flexible and customizable user interface from Salesforce to satisfy evolving needs.

    Salesforce Lightning comes with a modern, streamlined interface that embraces simplicity, and boosts productivity, and efficiencies. The responsive interface makes it easy to adapt seamlessly to different devices–desktops, tablets, computers, and smartphones. components, tools, and features of Lightening enable developers to easily create and customize applications.

    Simply put, Salesforce Lightning revolutionizes the user experience by offering a contemporary and user-friendly interface. It empowers Salesforce developers, administrators, and users to create, customize, and navigate Salesforce applications efficiently.

    Salesforce Lightning vs Classic: Detailed Comparison

    Here we have a detailed comparison of Lightning vs Salesforce Classic on different aspects:

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    1. Salesforce Lightning vs Classic: User Interface

    User Interface (UI) refers to the visual part of an application that enables the users to interact and navigate through its features.

    Salesforce Classic User Interface

    Salesforce Classic features a traditional, tab-based interface with a left-hand navigation menu. The left-hand navigation menu can be collapsed or extended to create a comfortable viewing experience.

    Salesforce Classic offers a familiar layout resembling a desktop application, providing users with easy access to different modules and records. The UI focuses on simplicity and familiarity but may lack the modern and dynamic elements found in Lightning.

    Salesforce Lightning User Interface

    Salesforce Lightning introduces a sleek and responsive UI design with a component-based architecture. It embraces a more modern and visually appealing approach, featuring a customizable home page, enhanced navigation through app and utility bars, and interactive dashboards. Lightning prioritizes productivity and personalization, offering a more engaging and intuitive user experience.

    Salesforce Classic vs Lightning: User Interface


    Salesforce Classic Salesforce Lightning

    Interface style

    Traditional desktop-style interface

    Dynamic and visually appealing UI


    Tab-based navigation

    App-based navigation and utility bar



    Tab-based layout


    Not available or limited drag-and-drop functionality 

    Extensive drag-and-drop functionality

    Mobile responsivenessLimited mobile responsiveness

    Mobile-responsive design for a seamless mobile experience

    2. Salesforce Classic vs Salesforce Lightning: Features

    Let’s compare Salesforce Lightning vs Classic features to find out which offers a more robust set of features:

    Salesforce Classic Features:

    Salesforce Classic offers a comprehensive set of features refined over years of development. It includes core functionalities such as lead and opportunity management, account and contact management, customizable reporting and dashboards, email integration, workflow automation, and a wide range of app integrations. Classic provides a solid foundation for managing customer data and sales processes.

    Salesforce Lightning Features:

    Salesforce Lightning builds upon the foundation of Classic and introduces several additional features. With Lightning, users gain access to a more modern and intuitive user interface that enhances productivity.

    Lightning offers enhanced sales and service features, including customizable homepages, interactive dashboards, Kanban boards, advanced opportunity insights, integrated calendars, and more seamless integration with external apps through the Salesforce AppExchange.

    Salesforce Classic vs Lightning: Features



    Lead and opportunity management

    Enhanced lead and opportunity management with advanced insights
    Limited account and contact management

    Improved account and contact management with interactive records

    Customizable Reporting and Dashboards

    Advanced reporting and analytics with customizable dashboards

    Email integration

    Enhanced email integration with Lightning for Outlook/Gmail

    Limited workflow automation capabilities 

    Advanced workflow automation with Lightning Flow

    App Integrations

    Seamless integration with external apps through Salesforce AppExchange

    Artificial intelligence is not available 

    It has an AI feature called Einstein (Wave) that helps with predictive analytics.

    3. Salesforce Classic vs Salesforce Lightning: Customization

    Customization is one of the most important factors to consider to make sure the platform aligns with their specific needs. Let’s have a quick customization comparison of Lightning vs Salesforce Classic to find out which one offers more customization options.

    Salesforce Classic Customization

    Salesforce Classic provides a range of customization options to tailor the CRM platform according to your business needs. Users can create custom objects, fields, and page layouts to capture specific data and design personalized user interfaces. Classic also offers workflow and approval processes, allowing businesses to automate and streamline their unique business processes. Additionally, Classic supports custom code development using Apex and Visualforce for advanced customization requirements.

    Salesforce Lightning Customization

    Salesforce Lightning takes customization to the next level with its modern and flexible framework. Lightning offers a powerful and intuitive drag-and-drop interface called the Lightning App Builder, enabling users to design custom homepages, record pages, and dashboards with ease.

    Lightning also introduces the Lightning Web Components framework, allowing developers to create reusable components for more granular customization. The Lightning Experience Configuration Converter tool helps users to perform Salesforce Classic to Lightning migration with ease.

    Salesforce Lightning also supports features like Lightning Design System, which offers a robust set of UX elements to make it easy for developers to create cutting-edge robust apps.

    Salesforce Classic vs Lightning: Customization

    Salesforce Classic Customization 

    Salesforce Lightning Customization

    Limited UI customization

    Extensive UI customization

    Basic page layout customization

    Advanced page layout editor for providing flexibility in customization

    Limited component customization 

    Component-based customization

    Limited control over record highlights panels

    The advanced record highlights panels customization

    Limited ability to create custom fields and relationships

    Ability to create custom fields and relationships easily

    Lack of branding and theming options

    Improved branding and theming options with Lightning Experience
    Limited ability to create custom buttons and links

    Ability to create custom buttons and links with Lightning App Builder

    4. Salesforce Lightning vs Salesforce Classic: Performance

    Performance matters in today’s time to enable businesses to stand high with the evolving needs of today’s customers.

    Salesforce Classic Performance

    Salesforce Classic has been in use for many years and has undergone optimizations and improvements to enhance its performance. However, due to its older technology and architecture, Classic may experience slow page loading times, especially when dealing with large data sets or complex customizations. Users may also encounter limitations in terms of responsiveness and speed when navigating through the user interface.

    Salesforce Lightning Performance

    Salesforce Lightning is designed with a focus on performance and efficiency. It utilizes modern web technologies and a responsive architecture, resulting in faster page loading times and improved overall performance. Lightning leverages client-side rendering, caching, and asynchronous processes to deliver a more fluid and seamless user experience. With its streamlined design and optimized codebase, Lightning offers improved responsiveness and faster navigation between pages.

    Salesforce Classic vs Salesforce Lightning: Performance 

    Performance AspectsSalesforce Classic Performance

    Salesforce Lightning Performance

    Page loading time 

    Slower loading times, especially with large data setsFaster page loading time


    Limitations in terms of responsiveness

    Improved responsiveness resulting in smoother customer experience

    Navigation speed 

    May experience slower navigation between pages 

    Faster navigation between the pages

    Technology Stack 

    Older technology or architecture 

    Modern web technologies with optimized architecture

    5. Salesforce Classic vs Lightning: Security

    Salesforce Classic vs Lightning both platforms offer security, however, they both have different approaches to safeguarding sensitive data. Let’s break down a quick list of Salesforce Lightning and Salesforce Classic on the basis of security.

    Salesforce Classic Security

    Salesforce Classic provides a robust set of security features designed to protect your organization’s data. It offers a role-based access control system, allowing administrators to assign specific access levels to different user roles. Field-level security is also available, enabling fine-grained control over access to specific fields within objects. Additional security measures include login IP restrictions, session timeout settings, and encrypted data storage.

    Furthermore, Salesforce Classic also offers a masking security feature that enables you to encrypt custom fields with 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standards (AES).

    Salesforce Lightning Security

    Building upon the security foundation of Salesforce Classic, Salesforce Lightning introduces several enhancements to strengthen data protection. Lightning offers advanced login capabilities, including multi-factor authentication options like Salesforce Authenticator and SMS verification. It also provides improved session management features, ensuring secure user sessions. Enhanced security reporting and auditing capabilities offer better visibility and compliance monitoring.

    Built on the trusted cloud infrastructure of the Salesforce Lightning platform enables you to leverage ORG security, user security, and programmatic security offered by the Salesforce platform. Lightning web security and Salesforce shield further extend the Salesforce security capabilities.

    Salesforce Classic vs Salesforce Lightning: Security

    Security feature

    Salesforce Classic SecuritySalesforce Lightning Security
    Role-based access controlAvailable


    Field-level security 


    Login-IP restriction 



    Session timeout settingsAvailable 


    Encrypted data storage 



    Multi-factor authentication 

    Not natively available 

    Available (e.g., Salesforce Authenticator)

    Custom field encryption

    Available (128-bit AES encryption)

    Apart from AES encryption, it offers a Shield add-on to enhance the encryption

    Security Reporting 

    Login history, password policies, user-login activity, and field history tracking

    Apart from Classic security reporting, lightening offers lightning locker service, and lightening web security.

    Why Should You Migrate Salesforce Classic to Salesforce Lightning?

    If you are still a user of Salesforce Classic, then it is time for you to migrate from Salesforce Classic to Lightning. The detailed comparison of Lighting vs Salesforce Classic makes it clear that Salesforce Lightning is a modern choice to meet today’s needs. Apart from this, there are several other reasons as well.

    Here we have provided you with a few of the reasons that will inspire you to migrate from Salesforce Classic to Salesforce Lightning:

    benefits of migrating classic to lightning
    benefits of migrating classic to lightning dark

    1. Better User Experience

    Experience a modern and intuitive user interface with Lightning. It’s designed to be user-friendly, ensuring speed and ease of use for seamless navigation and interaction.

    2. Increased Productivity

    Boost your team’s productivity with Lightning’s new features. Customize your dashboards to access critical information instantly, and enjoy improved mobile access for on-the-go productivity.

    3. Better Customization

    Take customization to the next level with Lightning. Enjoy the convenience of drag-and-drop functionality and create custom themes to tailor the interface to your preferences.

    4. Enhanced Analytics

    Gain deeper insights into your data with Lightning’s advanced analytics features. Interactive dashboards, advanced reporting, and data visualization tools empower data-driven decision-making.

    5. Improved Security

    Security is a top priority, and Lightning offers enhanced security features. Benefit from advanced login capabilities, multi-factor authentication options, and improved session management to protect your data.

    Apart from all these reasons, Salesforce discontinued adding new features to Salesforce Classic after the Spring 19 release. However, there is no official launch date advertised by Salesforce, but sooner or later it is expected that Salesforce will discontinue support for Classic. As a result, you should prepare yourself for the change so your business may accelerate at full speed on its growth trajectory.

    6. Architectural Change

    Migrating from Salesforce Classic to Salesforce Lightning offers businesses architectural advancements that drive improved user experience and operational efficiency.

    With a responsive design, Lightning ensures a seamless experience across devices. Its component-based architecture enables modular customization, empowering businesses to tailor Salesforce to their needs.

    The Lightning App Builder simplifies application development through drag-and-drop functionality. Enhanced user productivity is achieved through intuitive interfaces, interactive dashboards, and improved navigation.

    The refreshed Lightning Experience enhances user adoption, while access to Lightning-Ready Apps on the AppExchange expands customization possibilities. Embracing Salesforce Lightning unlocks a scalable, future-ready environment for businesses to thrive in today’s digital landscape.

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    Final Take

    Salesforce Classic to Lightning migration is no longer a choice, but a strategic move to boost your organization’s efficiency and growth. Salesforce Lightning offers a modern, visually appealing interface for managing customer relationships and sales processes.

    As Salesforce has stopped adding new features to Salesforce Classic and there is an expectation of its eventual retirement, therefore migrating to Lightning is an important step to future-proof your business and take advantage of the latest innovations and functionalities offered by Salesforce.

    The decision of migrating from Salesforce Classic to Lightning seems like a daunting task, but you don’t have to walk alone on this journey. A partnership with a trusted Salesforce consulting services provider can make the migration seamless and efficient. Cyntexa, a Salesforce Crest (Gold) Consulting Partner, has the expertise and experience to guide you through the migration process, ensuring a smooth transition and minimal disruption to your business operations. Contact Cyntexa today and take the first step in a journey toward greater efficiency, productivity, and success.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Salesforce has not yet announced any official date regarding when Salesforce Classic will be retired. Salesforce discounted adding new features to Salesforce Classic and started providing educational material to help Salesforce Classic users to migrate to Salesforce Lightning. All these things lead to one final conclusion that sooner or later Salesforce will retire the Salesforce Classic.

    Salesforce Lightning offers two different pricing plans. The platform starter plan costs you around $25/month/user. The other plan, Platform Plus costs you around $100/month/user.

    Yes, Salesforce Lightning can be easily customized to accommodate your specific needs. It offers a point-and-click tool to create pages for Salesforce Lightning Experience. You can also create custom home pages that are aligned with your business needs.

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