Salesforce Partners with TikTok to Expand Social Commerce Offerings

Salesforce Partners with TikTok to Expand Social Commerce Offerings

June 6, 2022 eye-glyph 1777

We all love the catchy songs and interesting trends that we see on the video creation apps, but we all know TikTok is the old school leader in this game of short video creation with a punch of music and doable trends to them.

This blog isn’t about a TikTok trend; rather, it can help the eCommerce business reach more heights of success, and this success will have contributions from the famous entertainment app TikTok. Confused as to how entertainment is going to help business? Well, don’t worry; we are here for you to clear all your doubts.

Salesforce has teamed up with Tiktok to expand Salesforce’s Social Commerce offerings. Wish to read more about it and explore how the entertainment app dealing with reels and trends will make your business survive. Now let’s dive into this Partnership’s whats, hows, and when.

Salesforce’s take on Partnership with TikTok

Salesforce always takes steps for the betterment of its users. They formulated the “Customer 360” ideology and have worked to enhance their products and partnerships, keeping the motto in mind.

Large global brands like Sephora, Nike, and small businesses have a social media page that allows them to showcase their products and new launches to their target audience. The social media shopping trend allows audiences to explore products in the comfort of their homes while scrolling their social media pages themselves. In addition, many organizations allow people to complete their purchases over social media platforms themselves. The power of social media is well discovered and observed by Salesforce. The State of Connected Customer Report has suggested that 57% of customers engage with businesses digitally, whereas 65% of the audience comprises GenZ and millennial consumers.

Gen-Z and Millenials’ behavioral habits greatly affect the current trend of commercial purchases. Adding to this, the idea of supporting small businesses has given a huge leap to social media shopping hype. And hence these trends and their power resulted in the TikTok Salesforce Partnership.

The vision and goal of this Partnership are to allow businesses to understand the social shoppers and generate highly personalized content. Moreover, TikTok has 1 billion monthly users, as per data and statistics. Therefore, allowing businesses to operate over TikTok through Salesforce Commerce Cloud will allow organizations to get such a huge audience interaction at such ease.

As we have seen why this Partnership started, it should be curious for every business owner what they can get out of this Partnership and what the benefits for them. So let’s dive into the benefits of the Salesforce-TikTok Partnership.

Benefits of Salesforce-TikTok Partnership

Benfits Salesforce Partnership with Tiktok

1. TikTok is the new Sales Channel

We all are aware of the well-established integrations of Salesforce Commerce Cloud for various platforms, including the social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Still, now customers have TikTok and the additions which TikTok platform for businesses to promote their products. In addition, TikTok has added and is still working on adding more shopping features to its platforms. And this is the power that Salesforce Commerce Cloud customers will leverage to push their products to the market with this new Sales Channel through catalog-focused advertising solutions with simple click setups.

2.  Audience isn’t just around but the whole world

Well, now businesses are not just limited to their localities. Still, they are open to marketing their products around the globe, and this global exposure will increase severely with the TikTok partnership with Salesforce as, according to statistics, TikTok has an active monthly user base of 1.2 billion. So it will be great for businesses to explore such a huge audience thanks to this Partnership.

3. TikTok Pixel for analysis

TikTok comes with its analytics tool known as TikTok Pixel. It makes it easier for merchants to analyze and optimize campaign performance. Merchants can analyze ad performances and improvise their product discovery layouts.

4. No more complex analysis and improvising

Tiktok Pixel even consists of Advanced Matching, allowing merchants to match up to their TikTok ads and retarget their audiences. Merchants now won’t have to take up the pain of changing their ads according to their target audience as the advanced matching mechanism would manage it.

5. No need to leave old work for a new platform

Organizations’ biggest worry while adopting a new platform is transferring their data and products. Similarly, adopting a new Sales Channel might scare some organizations. Still, due to catalogs in TikTok, merchants can easily set up TikTok as a Sales Channel due to pre-existing Commerce Cloud catalogs.

TikTok is even a platform with a huge audience, but it is more known to Gen-Z and Millenial users. Many users are yet not aware of what TikTok is and what the hype is all about, so here’s an elaboration on what TikTok is all about for users to understand it better.

6. Automation charging up productivity

Merchants will get better layouts and platforms due to this Partnership as they can publish their products easily on TikTok because of their diverse catalog-focused advertising solution.

7.  Attract new customers in new ways!

Merchants will get features like dynamic videos and collection ads across channels to attract new customers.

What exactly is TikTok?

TikTok is a short-duration video-hosting service where users can upload short videos of various genres like tricks, pranks, etc. It is an entertainment generation application that is now bifurcating even towards the social media marketplace and allowing purchasing products for the application’s users.

Melissa Yang (Head of Ecosystem Partnerships at TikTok) said, “TikTok is home to a new commerce experience, where community, entertainment, and commerce blend, creating unique opportunities to engage with consumers and drive impactful results.”

TikTok’s Outlook

TikTok officials are excited about the Partnership. They are happy to work for merchants making their tasks easier than ever and allowing them to discover & connect with the TikTok community while growing their businesses.

Wrap Up

TikTok and the Salesforce Partnership bring merchants and organizations a whole new dimension of eCommerce setup and provide users with various experiences through social media shopping experiences. This Partnership is a step toward the future of eCommerce and the customers’ requirements. As quoted by Scot Gilespie, GM of Salesforce Commerce Cloud, “Forward-looking brands need to have a presence anywhere their customers might want to meet them, so the boundaries of commerce must extend beyond any single channel and, on the back end, data has to flow across those channels so companies can deliver connected experiences efficiently,”

This Partnership will unfold a lot of functionalities and automation products with lesser complexity and more results and audience groups for the merchants. All we have to do is be prepared to experience this new change and adapt it as soon as it launches to reap the most of it.

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