Médecins Sans Frontières, renowned as Doctors Without Borders, is a leading global medical relief organization. It operates across nearly 72 countries and boasts a vast network of 25 associations, 24 sections, 17 offices, and six operational entities.
Committed to providing emergency medical and humanitarian aid, MSF upholds the principles of independence, neutrality, and impartiality outlined in its Charter. MSF prioritizes establishing medical initiatives in regions with insufficient healthcare infrastructure or facing overwhelming healthcare demands.
- Lack of seamless donation payment updates and notifications:- The automatic update of donation payments in the Salesforce opportunity field hit a roadblock. The outlined process involving GiveWP, Razorpay, and Salesforce needed a more seamless flow, missing crucial information. Additionally, during payment halts, the team encountered a significant drawback – no notifications in Salesforce about the non-received payments, hindering their ability to address and resolve payment-related issues promptly.
- Post-donation notification discrepancy:- A significant challenge arose in the post-donation notification process, impacting communication consistency. Donor information stored in Salesforce triggered notifications for both WhatsApp and SMS. However, the system struggled to discern between donors with WhatsApp numbers and SMS due to a lack of proper flow. This led to sending multiple notifications on different platforms, causing chaos for donors.
- Incomplete one-time donor acknowledgment:- Their aspiration to provide personalized acknowledgment to one-time donors faced a setback. Despite using ProLeads, a CTI tool, for post-donation calls, their agents couldn’t get information on time on which donor had made the one-time payment, which prohibited them from giving them a thank-you call for donating.
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