7 Marketing Blind Spots Every Marketer Needs to Fix in 2024

1. Not Maintaining a Healthy Budget Balance Between Customer Acquisition and Retention

2. Not Knowing Why Customers Make a Purchase

Marketers often get laser-focused on what customers buy, ignoring the why.

3. Chasing Metrics, Ignoring Impact

Web traffic and social followers are vanity metrics, ignoring the value of customer loyalty and retention.

4. Misunderstanding Customer Journeys

The one-size-fits-all approach assumes a predictable path, ignoring the reality of today’s dynamic customer experiences.

5. Underestimating the Impact of External Events

Businesses ignore the bigger picture of external events, while focusing on micro-analysis. 

6. Collecting More Data Than Necessary

Overwhelmed by metrics, businesses lose sight of the bigger picture and make decisions based on noise rather than signals.

7. Failing To Utilize RFM Analysis

Not implementing RFM-driven customer analytics may result in losing the opportunity to achieve 18% more customer acquisition.

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