Multi-cloud comprises of public and private clouds or on-premises data centers (or both).
Hybrid cloud is a combination of public clouds (can also include private or community cloud and on-premises databases).
Multi cloud offers greater flexibility by using services from different cloud providers.
Hybrid cloud allows you to scale up and down easily with cloud services, while offering the control and security.
In multi cloud components of different platforms work together.
In hybrid clouds different clouds perform different tasks, so data and processes often run in silos.
In multi-cloud multiple integration between cloud environments makes switching to suppliers difficult.
In hybrid cloud, multiple cloud providers provide the flexibility to switch vendors easily and quickly.
In multi cloud data lives on both on-premises servers and private cloud.
In hybrid cloud data resides either on-premises or in the cloud, depending how you have designed it.
Multi clouds have minimal scope of overrunning, but high staffing and maintenance costs.
In hybrid clouds, public clouds are cheaper than private clouds or data centers, but careful spending is recommended.
Migration process in multi clouds, is less difficult as the major workload is on local servers.
Migrating in hybrid clouds is somehow challenges and time-consuming.