Salesforce B2B2C Commerce To Grow Your E-commerce Business

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Salesforce B2B2C Commerce: Maximize Business Opportunities And Scale Growth

May 2, 2023 eye-glyph 4682

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    Interested in expanding your eCommerce business beyond B2B and B2C? Salesforce B2B2C Commerce Cloud blends these two eCommerce models. By diving deeper into it, explore how B2B2C commerce can lead to new growth opportunities for eCommerce businesses.

    The traditional eCommerce business model has been heavily influenced by B2B and B2C businesses. As eCommerce expands, businesses are adopting hybrid business models that combine B2B and B2C services to grow. Salesforce Commerce Cloud is enabling eCommerce businesses on their journey of adopting a hybrid model called B2B2C.

    Here in this blog, we will present you with a deeper understanding of what is Salesforce B2B2C commerce, its features, benefits, and pricing.

    Ready to learn more? Let’s get started with a basic understanding of what B2B2C commerce is.

    → Click here to download our free guide to Salesforce Commerce Cloud [Download Now].

    What is B2B2C Commerce?

    B2B2C (Business-to-Business-to-Consumer) is a business model where a business partners with another business to reach end customers.

    To explain this simply, let’s consider an e-commerce business ABC which sells smartphones. With time, businesses realize the interest of their customers to purchase accessories along with smartphones. Instead of manufacturing Smartphone accessories on its own, business A collaborates with Business XYZ, which manufactures smartphone accessories.

    The collaboration enables business ABC to expand its offerings to its end customers. Similarly, business XYZ will benefit from an increased customer base of business ABC to maximize its reach. Further, business XYZ no longer had to maintain an eCommerce store to reach its customers. The customers know they are purchasing smartphone accessories from business XYZ, so the business also benefits from the increased brand recognition.

    Customers also benefit from this partnership, since they get complete smartphone accessories to make working with their smartphones easier.

    This is how B2B2C businesses work and grow with each other.

    Salesforce B2B2C Commerce for your ecommerce business

    What is Salesforce B2B2C Commerce Cloud?

    The B2B2C Commerce platform is built on top of the Salesforce Lightning Platform. This platform gives eCommerce businesses an easy way to grow and scale their business by allowing them to have one unified view of their customers and partners.

    Salesforce B2B2C Commerce unifies all the business operations across B2B, B2C, and D2C. The B2B2C Commerce model allows businesses to create an intelligent, personalized shopping experience for their customers in collaboration with their partners.

    Features of Salesforce Commerce Cloud

    Here, explore the feature of the Salesforce Commerce Cloud:

    Features Of Salesforce Commerce Cloud

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    1. Customer and Partner Management

    B2B2C commerce deals with both businesses and customers. Therefore, B2B2C Commerce creates a single source of truth for businesses across B2B, B2C, and order management. So ever.

    B2B2C Commerce uses Salesforce to track customers through their entire shopping journey, so businesses can analyze consumer behavior and create personalized services to ensure growth.

    2. Product Recommendations

    B2B2C Commerce driven by the industry’s proven AI provides businesses with the right production recommendations for their customers based on their preferences, shopping habits, and so on.

    3. Order Management

    With Salesforce Commerce Cloud, payments, orders, cancellations, returns, and inventory management can be seamlessly tracked to ensure seamless order management.

    4. Declarative Experience Management

    The B2B2C model provides businesses with drag-and-drop tools that simplify the process of creating end-to-end customer experiences. Moreover, mobile view pages allow for pixel-perfect mobile design.

    5. Marketing Automation

    Commerce Cloud brings automation to the eCommerce business processes by leveraging Einstein AI, bringing personalization at a scale into the eCommerce business universe.

    6. Store Management

    The workspace feature of B2B2 Commerce Salesforce makes managing stores efficient. With Salesforce’s language and currency support, businesses can conveniently extend their store reach across borders without being limited by geography.

    Experience Builder allows you to create and modify store pages easily. You can easily change themes, configure menus, add content, and apply other settings to make the store highly tailored to the needs of your customers with Experience Builder.

    7. Omnichannel Inventory

    With the Salesforce Omni Channel Inventory that is integrated into B2B2C Commerce, you can keep complete information about inventory availability.

    8. Multi-Factor Authentication

    Multi-Factor authentication strengthens the security of eCommerce businesses against common threats like phishing attacks, credentials stuffing, and account takeovers.

    Benefits of Salesforce Commerce Cloud for B2B2C Commerce

    Salesforce Commerce Cloud brings several benefits for B2B2C commerce making it more apt to customer needs. Let’s figure out the benefits of B2B2C Commerce Cloud here in detail:

    Benefits of Salesforce B2B2C Commerce Cloud

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    1. Trusted Platform

    B2B2C Commerce Cloud is built on the world’s #1 CRM Salesforce, which means you can expect a high level of trust. Salesforce has been acknowledged for its dependability and connecting businesses to better serve their customers.

    2. Improved Customer Experience

    Salesforce’s greatest benefit lies in its ability to customize services for businesses. Commerce Cloud keeps track of users’ interactions from the initial point of contact to converting them into customers. The data allows businesses to learn more about their customers’ needs and craft their services in a way that will improve their customers’ engagement.

    You can also check here how Salesforce B2C Commerce Cloud can help to increase sales.

    3. Enhanced Collaboration With Partners

    Alongside customers, partners are valuable elements of the B2B2C business model. Commerce Cloud helps businesses stay abreast of their transactions with partners in a centralized place. On the other hand, partners stay informed about sales made through the platform. In this way, transparency is created which is key to a long-lasting relationship between the business and the partners.

    4. Internalization of B2B2C Business Store

    A drag-and-drop tool allows businesses to establish multiple customizable storefronts for different locations without having to know hefty coding. With all these storefronts managed from a single point of management, businesses can scale freely without being constrained by location.

    Furthermore, Salesforce support for multiple currencies and language make it easy to apply location-based customization in the storefront to ensure maximum engagement on it.

    5. Advanced Analytics

    Commerce Cloud comes with advanced analytics and reporting capabilities to present businesses with valuable insights into their customer’s behaviors and preferences.

    6. Mobile-Focused Business

    The future of e-commerce lies with mobile devices. Salesforce Commerce Cloud provides businesses with mobile-responsive eCommerce storefronts to ensure a smooth customer experience on smartphones and tablets.

    You can also check here the benefits of Salesforce Commerce Cloud for E-commerce businesses.

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    salesforce ROI calculator

    B2B2C Commerce Salesforce Pricing

    The Salesforce B2B2C platform is designed to help businesses grow together by putting their growth first. Growing with businesses is one of its core values. It charges a 1% GMV rate when billed annually.

    It allows businesses to quickly launch and expand their business with direct-to-consumer channels, with just 1% of their total GMV, enabling them to quickly grow.

    B2B2C Commerce Cloud Pricing

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    Salesforce B2B2C Commerce for small and medium businesses is affordable and worthwhile. It is one of the great platforms for eCommerce businesses to launch connected D2C experiences to sustain and grow in the market.

    Salesforce Commerce Cloud Implementation Experts

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    Final Take

    Salesforce Commerce Cloud is one of the most important tools for businesses in the eCommerce industry. Through a single backend, they can manage everything from customers and partners to inventory and orders.

    The Commerce Cloud lets businesses engage with their customers better and drive sales in an increasingly competitive eCommerce sphere.

    B2B2C Commerce Cloud is certainly a lucrative decision for businesses that want to fight off the competition by extending their capabilities. Business owners can enjoy customer satisfaction similar to B2C and growth similar to B2B through this solution.

    Interested in using B2B2C Commerce to grow your business? Looking for Salesforce crm Implementation Services? Cyntexa is an approved Commerce consulting partner to help you implement customized B2B2C solutions in your business. Integrated with third-party integrations, the Commerce Cloud can empower your business to drive revenue efficiently with smooth management of business operations.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Salesforce B2B2C Commerce Cloud is an excellent solution for businesses that manufacture products or provide services to partner with an organization that has expertise in selling online.

    B2B refers to businesses selling to other businesses, and B2C refers to businesses selling to consumers. A B2B2C relationship, on the other hand, involves collaborating with another business to reach the end consumer.

    Each eCommerce business has its own needs, and B2B2C Commerce Cloud acknowledges that. A wide range of customization and integration options are available with B2B2C Commerce Cloud. The Salesforce implementation partner understands your business needs and leads the way for a customized solution that satisfies your business goals.

    Salesforce B2B2C Commerce Cloud implementation cost is based on the features of the system and the Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) of a particular business. As a general reference, the average cost of implementation can start from $200K and go up from there based on your business requirements. Have a consultation with your Salesforce consultant partner to get an accurate estimate of the cost.

    Salesforce Commerce Cloud pricing is based on the amount of GMV your organization generates. As a result, you do not have to worry about paying more money to Salesforce if your business is not performing well for a period of time.

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